Dar'Aghi Empire
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Origins - Ioniia Empire

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Origins - Ioniia Empire Empty Origins - Ioniia Empire

Post by Asariel Thu Nov 24, 2016 10:24 pm

The great interstellar Empire of Ioniia is led by one Empress with supreme power over absolutely every aspect of the empire itself. Craiya, as she was named was seen as a goddess among her loyal subjects. She was a being that many, if not all considered divinely beautiful, impossible to refuse and perfect in every and all ways one could be. How did Craiya rose to power is unclear, however it's widely known she must be many, many lifetimes old. Her empire did hold quite considerable ammount of worlds and it's influence was not to be underestimated, yet, they were nowhere near aggresive. The god-empress kept sending her men of faith on holy missions to barbaric and savage worlds to convert the population.

Craiya The Deceiver

There was no royal family, nothing. Craiya simple came into existence and founded Ioniia. It is said that she herself created the Ioniian breed of "humans" which would later be called Shae'azar, "forest lovers". Their modern descendants are known only as "elves". Popular theory among the Dar'Aghi after making contact with both, Ioniia and the Ethernum Empire was that Craiya was infact a crossbreed between an Ethereal and a mere mortal human. Given her abilities to control her surroundings to immense extent and Ioniia's close ties to nature.

Ioniia and Dar'Aghi Empire

Since day one, The two monarchies were on more than good terms. Upon inviting the Emperor into Craiya's high gardens, she immedietly fell in love. It might've been better to call it a blind obsession and nearly fanatism. She saw the Dar'Aghi as god-like beings, all of them. She pledged her life to Aghian cause along with forcing everyone else to do the same, literally selling an entire empire into servitude while somewhat keeping it independent. Ever since that day, even more wealth flowed into Ioniia and it in fact flourished, entering it's golden age. This one time they proved to be able to just what Luciel intended for them to do. Lead and guide others. Influence of Dar'Aghi Empire was increased a thousandfold, making the Cyanoid turn their cybernetic eyes their way..thus starting most likely the worst war the galaxy had seen to this day.


Posts : 9
Join date : 2016-11-11


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